52. In the context of significant progress towards achieving Universal Primary Education, UNESCO should reaffirm the priority of higher education in its future Programmes and Budgets. In pursuing this priority UNESCO, within its five functions as laboratory of ideas, catalyst for international cooperation, standard-setter, capacity-builder and clearing house, should:
a) Assist with the formulation of long term, sustainable strategies for higher education and research in tune with internationally agreed development goals and national/regional needs;
b) Provide platforms for dialogue and the sharing of experience and information on higher education and research and assist in building capacity in the formulation of higher education and research policies;
c) Help governments and institutions address international issues in higher education by:
- Continuing to implement its standard-setting instruments, in particular the new generation of regional conventions for the recognition of qualifications; and the 1997 Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel;
- Pursuing its work in capacity building for quality assurance in higher education in developing countries;
- Fostering international collaboration in teacher education in all regions, especially in Africa through TTISSA (Teacher Training in Sub-Saharan Africa);
- Encouraging the transfer of knowledge through UNITWIN Networks and UNESCO Chairs, in collaboration with other agencies, to further capacity development in support of internationally agreed goals such as Education for All (EFA), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the United Nations Decades.
d) Encourage international mobility and exchanges of students and staff, while developing strategies to counteract the negative impact of brain drain.
e) Enhance student participation in UNESCO forums and support global student dialogue.
f) Ensure follow-up to the 2009 World Conference on Higher Education through: the identification of the most important issues and priorities for immediate action; the monitoring of trends, reforms and new developments; and the promotion of regional integration and academic cooperation by supporting the creation and development of regional areas of higher education and research and strengthening the regional UNESCO units in coordination with the existing networks.
g) Reinforce and extend the UNESCO-ADEA Task Force for Higher Education in Africa, which includes major partners and donors, to ensure effective follow-up to the 2009 World Conference on Higher Education to move from talk to action.