*  To implement policies and actions for the integration of Higher Education in Latin
America and the Caribbean, fostering the Latin American and Caribbean Area of
Higher Education (ENLACES).

*  To reject the use of education as a commercial service within the framework of
WTO agreements, and regulate the foreign capital investment in national higher
education institutions.

*  To highlight cross-border offering of Higher Education, analyzing specific
regulatory measures, to monitor the foreign capital investment and to implement
appropriate systems of assessment and accreditation in the Higher Education
institutions which are set up in the region.

*  To prevent and avoid brain-drain, implementing measures and public policies to
retain and repatriate qualified individuals and to facilitate their integration into
national development projects, as well as creating better options that encourage
the permanence and good use of talents.  Moreover, official agreements for
training abroad should include dimensions such as reciprocity and obligations of in-
country service for graduates, including conditions for employment integration in
projects of interest.

*  To provide the creation of an alumni network comprised of students who
participated in internationalization programs, but who currently work abroad, in
order to encourage collaboration between their current institution and institutions in
their native countries.

*  To facilitate the incorporation of Latin American individuals, who received their
degree abroad and currently work abroad, in participating in networks and
graduate programs according to their qualifications.

*  To support the creation of wider exchange programs between Higher Education
institutions of the region, enabling professors, researchers, students, and
administrator’s mobility to promote integration and offering solutions to barriers
such as lack of financing, visa procedures, and enrollment among others.

*  To revise the 1974 Regional Agreement for the Recognition of Studies, Degrees,
and Diplomas of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

*  To promote solidarity-based internationalization of Higher Education in Latin
America and the Caribbean, strengthening existing programs for cooperation and
integration in the region, and establishing alliances for the development of
scientific-technological activity, considering the definition of regional priorities
favoring the efforts of different countries with the use of specific funding programs
and improvement of scientific quality of our institutions in order to slow down  brain-

*  To strengthen the convergence process of national and sub-regional assessment
and accreditation programs with the purpose of creating regional standards and
procedures to ensure quality of higher education and research and to promote their
social and public role.

*  To establish mechanisms for increasing cooperation in Latin America and the
Caribbean, with emphasis on regional cooperation with African countries and small
island nations.

*  To support university networks, regional higher education institutions, and the
liaison role of UNESCO-IESALC.

*  To develop joint initiatives of regional interest with regional and global university

*  To promote a better use and connection of HE to the international cooperation for
sustainable development.


*  To promote a strategy of internationalization and international cooperation, and
implement proposals for integration.

*  To implement programs of solidarity-based cooperation with higher education
institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean, with special attention to developing

*  To strengthen the ties to allow productive interrelations in the areas of instruction,
extension, and research, leading to cooperation that fosters the Latin America and
Caribbean region to act as a block before the world.

*  To produce specific policies to offer attractive options to foreign students in the
countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as a strategy for cultural
dissemination and development of an international environment in higher education

*  To increase and actively participate in networks and think-tanks about the key
problems of higher education within the framework of integration of Latin America
and the Caribbean.

*  To encourage and consolidate academic association between graduate
programs, strengthening training activities, facilitating the mutual recognition of
credits, and stimulating joint degrees and cooperative graduate programs,
particularly in strategic areas.

*  To promote training of qualified human resources in the management of regional
integration, and solidarity-based international cooperation to ensure continuity and

*  To foster instruction and research in areas related to the integration of Latin
America and the Caribbean, sustainable development, intercultural studies, the
knowledge and recognition of the value of our cultural and environmental heritage,
and the study of contemporary phenomena.

*  To build technical and negotiation skills in order to participate more actively in
opportunities that generate international cooperation for sustainable development.


*  To widely disseminate the Declaration of CRES-2008 and the Action Plan so that
network members will accept them as reference and support joint initiatives, with
the same objectives, with global university networks.

*  To support implementation of the Action Plan through member activities, seeking
synergies with other networks and other involved players for the productive
articulation of efforts.

*  To cooperate with UNESCO-IESALC in the implementation, follow-up, and
assessment of the Action Plan.

*  To contact African universities and networks in order to develop joint programs
and discussion points for the World Conference on Higher Education in Paris

*  To contribute to the organization and development of ENLACES.


*  To adopt the principles of the Declaration of CRES-2008.

*  To support implementation of the Action Plan and its activities.

*  To support regional meetings for the establishment of ENLACES, and similar
initiatives, seeking to strengthen complementarities and synergies between them.